Wednesday 21 November 2007

Sharing a bit of land...

In brief "The Land" is a large-scale collaborative and transdisciplinary project that was begun by artist Rirkrit Tiravanija in 1998, and is taking place in Sanpatong, near Chiang May, Thailand. It sees itself as a laboratory for self-sustainable development, and is a place where new models for living are being tested out.

Tiravanija explains that "The Land" is a merging of ideas by different artists to cultivate a place of and for social engagement. It's development over the years has been quite unpredictable and quite organic... moving somewhere between process, object, structure, and exchange. Underlining "The Land" is the idea of a self-imposed Utopia, one that strives to be feasible, practical and subjective, rather than being rooted in "beliefs on how others should live"...

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